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Local Resources

Local Resources

Adolescent Medicine Clinic
Improves the health and well being of youth through research to increase understanding of disparities in adolescent health, promote adolescent health equity, and improve adolescent health outcomes. Provides accessible health care services for adolescents in the context of their family, culture and community.
Allies for Health + Wellbeing
Supports and empowers individuals living with HIV/AIDS and prevents the spread of infection.
Andy Warhol Museum
Works with small groups of young people to foster leadership with creative skills and offers relevant programming to a teen audience including queer youth meetings, fashion shows, and zine making.
Carnegie Library Teen GSA
This bi-monthly group is for all LGBTQ and straight teenagers who want to support each other and make new friends!
Garden of Peace Project
Encourages community-building, community-restoration, outreach, spiritual growth, increased self-awareness, conscious mindfulness, social justice, and informed research.
Metro Community Health Center
Serves the un-insured, under-insured, HIV positive, and the GLBT residents of the region. Offers health care to all people, at every stage of life, without regard to their ability to pay. Cares for the whole person in a safe and respectful setting
PA Department of Health Mpox Vaccine
Be Proactive, Be Well. The mpox vaccine has a strong track record. It's proven to prevent illness & painful symptoms. Talk to your doctor today.
PFLAG Pittsburgh
Promotes the health and well-being of LGBT persons, their families, and friends through: support, to cope with an adverse society; education, to enlighten an ill-informed public; and advocacy, to end discrimination and to secure equal civil rights.
Pittsburgh Equality Center
Mission: We serve as a bridge that promotes education, advocacy, and social justice for all LGBTQIA+ people and allies in Western Pennsylvania. Vision: To cultivate a more collaborative, diverse, just, and empowered community.
Pittsburgh Mutual Aid
Helping Pittsburgh Help Each Other Through The COVID Crisis.
Project Silk
(412) 532-2128
A space for black and Latino LGBT community.
Ratzon Pittsburgh
Center for Healing and Resistance ... Ratzon Grand Opening Sing ... wellness items to community members in partnership with Pittsburgh Mutual Aid.
(412) 297-0548
A transgender centered drop-in space, resource provider and shelter transitioning program based in Pittsburgh, PA.
Transgender community network in Pittsburgh, PA providing peer mentorship & supportive human services to transgender folk.
True T PGH
(412) 291-8196
Celebrating Queer People of Color through Creative Arts, Entertainment, and Community Resource Sharing since 2009.
National Resources

National Resources

ACLU–American Civil Liberties Union, LGBT and AIDS Projects
Works for an America free of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, where LGBT people can live openly, where our identities, relationships and families are respected, and where there is fair treatment on the job, in schools, housing, public places, health care, and government programs.
Black and Pink
An open family of LGBTQ prisoners and “free world” allies who support each other.
COLAGE–Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere
Unites people with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer parents into a network of peers and supports them as they nurture and empower each other to be skilled, self-confident, and just leaders in our collective communities.
GALA Choruses
Leads the North American GLBT choral movement. Cultivates the artistic development of 8,000 singers from more than 170 choruses.
GLAAD–Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
Works directly with news media, entertainment media, cultural institutions, and social media to lead the conversation for LGBT equality and changing the culture.
GLSEN–Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network
Works to ensure safe schools for ALL students, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.
ISNA–Intersex Society of North America
Devoted to systemic change to end shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgeries for people born with an anatomy that someone decided is not standard for male or female.
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund
Works to achieve full recognition of the civil rights of LGBT people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education, and public policy work.
National Center for Trangender Equality
Dedicated to advancing the equality of transgender people through advocacy, collaboration, and empowerment.
National LGBT Health Education Center - LGBT Health Guide
A comprehensive guide by the National LGBT Health Education Center that includes research and statistics on the health disparities within our community. The guide reveals the inconsistencies LGBTQ folk experience in healthcare comparatively, and outlines steps for health centers and organizations to help fight the stigma while providing options and support for our community.
National LGBTQ Task Force
Creates change by building LGBT political power from the ground up, bolstering the strength of local LGBT activism in rural enclaves, small towns, and cities nationwide.
PFLAG–Parents, Families & Friends of LGBT People
Promotes the health and well-being of LGBT persons, their families, and friends through: support, to cope with an adverse society; education, to enlighten an ill-informed public; and advocacy, to end discrimination and to secure equal civil rights.
PYTA–Pride Youth Theater Alliance
Connects and supports queer youth theater organizations, programs, and professionals committed to empowering lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and allied (LGBTQIA) youth in North America.
People's Institute for Survival and Beyond
Racism was done and it can be undone through effective anti-racist organizing with, and in accountability to the communities most impacted by racism.
Transgender Law Center
Works to change law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression.
Trevor Project
Provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ young people ages 13-24.
Additional Resources

Additional Resources

A Nurse’s Comprehensive Guide to Gender-Affirming Care
This resource describes terminology & definitions, trans & GNC/GD healthcare issues, an overview of gender-affirming treatments, and how to provide gender-affirming nursing care. While I have a few suggestions as to how this page can be improved, overall it appears to be a solid resource!
Affordable Colleges Online
LGBTQA+ resources for college
Cost of Gender Transition Guide
How Much Does Hormone Therapy and Gender Reassignment Surgery Cost?
Digital Mental Health Resources for LGBTQ+ and Allies
Our resources is designed to help spread awareness and provide access to tools and solutions to help LGBTQ+ people with their mental health. You’ll find videos, books, podcasts, research, crisis lines and more below.
Emphasizing and Empowering the T in LGBTQ for Allies and Transgender People in Tech
This guide discusses the role of technology in decreasing barriers in the workforce and provides tips for allies and employers on how to be more inclusive.
Inga Speech
Low Cost Gender Affirming Voice Care via Teletherapy Contact: (845) 243-5350
LGBT Scholarships
Equal Possibilities for High-Quality Education
LGBTQ Alcoholism
A resource guide about the LGBTQ community and alcoholism
LGBTQ+ Cinema: A Journey Through Time
Highlights how cinema has played a crucial role in reflecting and shaping societal attitudes towards LGBTQ+ issues
LGBTQ+ Inclusive Language
What It Is and Why It Matters in Healthcare
LGBTQ+ inclusivity in the beauty industry
The New Face of Beauty: Embracing LGBTQ+ Inclusivity
LGBTQ: A Guide From Addiction To Recovery
Bedrock Recovery Center
Nursing License Map
The Importance of Gender Affirming Care for Transgender and Gender Expansive Youth
Online Therapy
Online Therapy Resources for the LGBTQ+ Community
Pride Counseling
LGBTQ-focused online therapy - there are fees for these services.
Transgender Thailand
Thailand's Center for Gender Reassignment Surgery

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