Chasing Elevation
created and performed by theatriQ
May 17-18, 2019
KST's Alloy Studios | 5530 Penn Avenue
Each year, Dreams of Hope launches an original production created and performed by its theatriQ Youth Ensemble.
Chasing Elevation, provides a science fiction experience through a decidedly queer lens. It is the year 2064 and the earth has succumbed to the inevitable climate apocalypse. We are floating, dodging storms and barely surviving amidst the chaos of New America. But everything changes when a queer couple find themselves washed up on unfamiliar and jarring territory, forcing them to weather much more than storms.

Promotional graphics designed by Breydon Prioleau, 2019.
Dreams of Hope is funded by many generous individual donors, and The Allegheny Regional Asset District, The Birmingham Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, BOOM Concept, The Cooper-Siegel Family Foundation, Dollar Bank, The Fine Foundation, The Gouge Family Foundation, The Grable Foundation, The Heinz Endowments, Hillman Family Foundations, Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, Kelly Strayhorn Theater, The John J. McDonnell and Margaret T. O’Brien Foundation, MUKTI Fund, off the WALL Charitable Trust, Opportunity Fund, Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts Program of the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, The A.W. Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation, The Pittsburgh Penguins Foundation, The Brooks Foundation of PNC Charitable Trusts, Silver Lake Films, The UPMC Center for Engagement and Inclusion, and Vibrant Pittsburgh.